

  • 心靈-身體-靈魂
  • 即溶咖啡/熱或冷
  • 草飼黃油/中鏈
  • 甘油三酯/喜馬拉雅鹽
  • 15 份
  • 中度烘焙
  • 生酮飲食友好型
Rapid Fire™ 生酮咖啡是一種高性能消耗脂肪的咖啡混合物,一種多效合一的咖啡粉,一種即溶可隨時享用的產品,無論是熱的還是冷的,以幫助促進您的新陳代謝。用有機咖啡、草飼黃油和 MCT(中鏈甘油三酯)製作而成,享受這款美味的即溶咖啡,讓您的早晨充滿活力,開啟美好的一天。讓 Rapid Fire™生酮咖啡成為您徹底實現塑身目標的秘密道具。


將 2 湯匙的本產品加至 8 液量盎司的熱水或冷水和飲品中。
網路價:511元,結帳享5%折扣後 486


  • Revitalize | Detox | Cleanse
  • Blend of 14 Natural Herbs + Botanicals
  • Green Tea EGCG Boosts Metabolism
  • Supports Digestion & Reduces Bloat
  • Whole Body Internal Cleansing
  • Naturally Thermogenic Blend
  • The Ultimate Teatox

Made from the highest quality 100% natural herbal ingredients, RapidFire SlimTea is a purifying, natural tea blend that helps stimulate healthy digestion and supports cleansing of the digestive tract. RapidFire SlimTea is smooth and slightly sweet with fresh ingredients such as licorice root, spearmint leaf, cinnamon and cocoa. This elite combination of detoxifying herbs may help reduce bloating, clean out the digestive system and may help to flatten the appearance of the abdomen. Once your digestive system is cleansed, absorption of nutrients and energy from food is enhanced, making you feel lighter, more energized and healthier. Having a well-functioning digestive system promotes energy and vitality, leading to better overall health.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/rap/rap10488/u/0.jpg">


  • Revitalize | Detox | Cleanse
  • Blend of 14 Natural Herbs + Botanicals
  • Green Tea EGCG Boosts Metabolism
  • Supports Digestion & Reduces Bloat
  • Whole Body Internal Cleansing
  • Naturally Thermogenic Blend
  • The Ultimate Teatox

Made from the highest quality 100% natural herbal ingredients, RapidFire SlimTea is a purifying, natural tea blend that helps stimulate healthy digestion and supports cleansing of the digestive tract. RapidFire SlimTea is smooth and slightly sweet with fresh ingredients such as licorice root, spearmint leaf, cinnamon and cocoa. This elite combination of detoxifying herbs may help reduce bloating, clean out the digestive system and may help to flatten the appearance of the abdomen. Once your digestive system is cleansed, absorption of nutrients and energy from food is enhanced, making you feel lighter, more energized and healthier. Having a well-functioning digestive system promotes energy and vitality, leading to better overall health.


  • Bring water to a boil and steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Remove strainer and enjoy hot or cold.
  • Drink 1 to 3 cups anytime during the day. Slim Tea can be used for 14 days. Take a week off and then resume the program again.

When to drink: Enjoy 1 tea bag daily in the morning or in the evening.

Taste Tips: Add honey or lemon

網路價:301元,結帳享5%折扣後 286
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/rap/rap10854/u/0.jpg">


  • 心靈-身體-靈魂
  • 容光煥發的肌膚
  • 閃亮的秀髮
  • 指甲更強健
  • 天然草本+玫瑰果,木槿和蝴蝶豆的混合物
  • 有益美容配方
  • 富含抵禦氧化自由基成分
  • 10 份
精心挑選並經過專業混合的茶、草本、膠原蛋白可提供天然、健康、美味的替代品,以優化頭髮、肌膚、指甲的健康。享受草莓和奶油的味道和香氣,而 Rapid Fire 美容茶的作用則使您內在和外在都感到美麗。這種清爽的混合物富含抵禦氧化自由基成分,可為您的身體加油,並支持整體健康。讓 Rapid Fire™美容茶成為您日常美容/健康方案不可或缺的一部分。


每 8 盎司熱水使用一個茶包。浸泡 2-4 分鐘。取出茶,然後趁熱或加冰享用。
網路價:369元,結帳享5%折扣後 351